So as you might have known, many people have gone back to school in the last week or so i though as I have gone back as well i would end my holidays on a good note with a 'pamper night'.
I started my evening with with a lovely bath as I honestly think baths are a gift from God himself ;) To make my bath even better i decided to add the space girl bath bomb which is from Lush. I love this bath bomb as it's main ingredient is lavender, and lavender is the one of the most calming scents ever ..
Just before i get out of the bath i also like to exfoliate, to do this I use 'scrub of your life' exfoliator by Soap and Glory,which came in a set i get for Christmas called bright an bubbly (which is amazing i want to live in soap and glory's offices)
Okay, once I have sadly gotten out of my bath (which is about an hour later...) I mosturise. When my skin is still slightly damp i will lightly 'buff' it with a body buffer which i got from the body shop a while ago,as this makes skin softer and gives a lovely base to put mosturiser on. The mosturiser I use is the righteous butter from Soap and glory,

I also have a slight obsession with lip balms
Once I have fully dried off, I will use my 'my trusty little sunflower cream' that i got from a glossybox a while ago.As this is such a heavy duty cream I tend to only apply in the very dry areas of my skin - elbows,knees and face.I sometimes alternate this cream, with one that i got from AVON last summer.I feel that I only use this as the fact that it come out as a foam makes me far too happy.... That being said it is also really good at locking in moisture and then drys incredibly quickly!
After this I usually end my night with a lovely face mask, at the moment I really like the Montagne Jeunesse face mask in blueberry and cranberry as it leaves my skin feeling absolutely incredible and smooth.I work it into my skin with my clarisonic (worth the money believe me).
So yes, that is how i try to be relaxed i guess? I will have to say even after I have done all of this I usually am still not that relaxed ...because school.... ahem..anyway as you might have seen, I have obviously became a technical pro in my holidays and I have added some social media button for you to follow me on! I have also added a blog button and a home button,a links button and a home button :)
So yeah do you all have routines at night? Or does the idea of this just make you happy when in reality you know you wont do it very often
I would love to know what you guys think of some of the product I mentioned! Have you used any before? Don't like something? Talk to me please!! ^^I shall reply to every comment from now on:)
*Post inspired by Essiebutton's night time skin care which you can all read here*
~New posts coming extremely soon~
So glad you like the lip balm! For when you run out, I bought it at M&S in that little set I gave you. But I think it was just a Christmas thing :/ They might bring it back this Christmas though, so you could get some then :) loved this post, I really want to try Mint Julips, and that herbal tea!
I've nominated you for the Sunshine Award on my blog :)
Im writing it as I type this (multitasking!) thankyou so much!